Friday, May 23, 2014

the SHIFT design

I finally received a lecture specifically on design aesthetics. This lecture was wonderful and very inspirational for my conditioned engineering brain. My focus previously on this project was on the mechanics of the design... "what is the result of this artifact?" Totally absorbed, as you are trained to be, in the numbers. How much wind is needed for which winding of generator to achieve the desired wattage output!?!? I was almost entirely neglecting the artistic side of design... what is my project saying and what does it mean to the user?

Thus, I am shifting my design to an ironic sculpture aesthetic. I am now going to build a "perpetual" fan powered wind generator. This is illustrated by some sketches below. 

From this process of sketching critical design components of the project, I was able to more accurately decide on a design path for the project. My new design sketch is as follows.

  • Laser cut acrylic base/stand
  • Two 30A 1000Kv three phase motors... one powered via ESC and the other providing RPM sensor information
  • Hidden 2200mAh Lipo, RPM switch, and USB charging port
  • 8x4.5" carbon fiber propeller blade as "fan"
  • Lawn art flower windmill as "windmill"

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